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Privacy Policy


The Volta XL Foundation (hereinafter “Volta XL”), whose registered office is at Rue des Trois ponts 63, 1160 Auderghem, registered with the B.C.E. under number 0769.649.369, attaches great importance to the protection of the personal data of the users of its website, as well as those of its Contacts.

This document contains Volta XL’s data processing policy.

All data collected is processed in accordance with the data protection and privacy provisions in force in Belgium and with the personal data processing policy.

Who is this declaration intended for?

This declaration is intended for natural and legal persons who come into contact with Volta XL, including those who browse its website; request information relating to the Volta XL project; subscribe to Volta XL communications; complete Volta XL questionnaires; enter into any contract with Volta XL.


The Volta XL site contains “cookies”. A “cookie” is a small file sent by the site’s server which is stored on the hard disk of the user’s computer. It keeps track of the site visited and contains a certain amount of information relating to that visit.

The cookies used by the site enable the site to function and navigation to be carried out (“technical session cookies”), statistics to be compiled (“analytical cookies”) and the use of the site to be made more pleasant and personalised (for example, memorisation of the language chosen, etc.) (“functional cookies”).

The use of cookies requires the collection of personal data concerning the user. The data collected is under no circumstances passed on to third parties. Volta XL has put in place appropriate security measures to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of any information received on the site. The management of personal data complies with Volta XL’s personal data management policy.

Most Internet browsers are automatically configured to accept cookies. However, you can configure your browser to accept or block certain cookies. Blocking all cookies may in some cases restrict access to certain parts of the site. Please consult the specific documentation for the browser you are using.

Volta XL contact data

  1. Why do we collect your data?

As part of the Contact’s interactions with Volta XL, Volta XL must collect a certain amount of information about the Contact in order to carry out the following tasks:

  • Carrying out its mission and activities;
  • Direct marketing activities such as website updates, newsletters, e-mails, marketing packs and invitations to events;
  • Correspondence with the contact and all necessary third parties concerning the project;
  • Prospecting for new partners and members;
  • Questionnaires designed to better understand the Contact’s needs and preferences;
  • The collection of statistical data;
  • The fulfilment by Volta XL of its legal and ethical obligations.

The data collected may be used for another purpose which will necessarily be closely related to those listed above.

  1. What data are we likely to collect?

The following data may be collected:

  • Identity data of the Contact or his/her representative: surname, first name, home address, gender, date and place of birth, marital status, nationality, passport photograph, identity card;
  • Contact data: correspondence address, email address, telephone number, billing address, bank details.
  • Necessary data: all data strictly necessary to carry out the tasks listed above.
  1. On what legal basis is your data collected?

This data is collected with your consent and/or for the legitimate interests of Volta XL, which must be able to carry out its mission. In particular, it concerns :

  • Professional constraints (file management);
  • Accounting and tax constraints (invoicing, VAT listing, etc.);
  • Administrative and legal constraints (identification of parties in forms, deeds, etc.);
  • Legal constraints (anti-money laundering and declaration of cross-border arrangements with tax implications, professional liability);
  • Commercial needs (commercial communications, announcements, greetings, etc.).

The data collected is used in accordance with European and national data protection laws.

The information collected in the context of the file is recorded by Volta XL in a computerised file for the performance of the obligations arising from its mission, communication with the Contact.

The processing of this data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by Volta XL, necessary for the performance of its mission and necessary for compliance with legal and ethical obligations.

  1. Who is responsible for the data collected?

Volta XL is responsible for the data of the person concerned. The data subject may contact Volta XL at any time to ask any questions he or she may have.

The Contact agrees to such processing.

  1. How is your data stored?

Data is stored in the form of paper files and/or electronic files, under the responsibility of Volta XL, which takes all necessary measures to ensure their security.

In general, Volta XL ensures an adequate level of technical and organisational security of your data, in order to protect you against any data leakage, in particular loss, destruction, public disclosure, unauthorised access or any misuse. However, if Contact becomes aware of a data leak or if you suspect one, we ask you to report it to us immediately.

If data needs to be shared in order to process the case, this will be done by means of an electronic information exchange system.

If the Contact so wishes, he or she may be contacted as part of the information activities organised by Volta XL or in order to receive the newsletter.

  1. How long is your data stored?

The data is stored for the duration of the mission entrusted to Volta XL. Once the assignment has been completed, the data is stored for a maximum of 10 years from the end of Volta XL’s services, in order to enable it to comply with its obligations in terms of liability.

  1. Who will have access to your data?

Volta XL members and collaborators will have access to the contact’s file in order to process it.

If the processing of the file so requires, the data may be exchanged with other parties involved in the project.

  1. Your rights

The data subject has the right :

  • To be informed about how their data will be deleted from the file. However, it may not be possible to remove all the information, particularly that which has been used to initiate a procedure or request for administrative authorisation.
  • To be informed of the purposes for which the data will be processed and who will have access to it.
  • To receive the information that is recorded and to request corrections if any of the information is incorrect.
  • To receive all information that is recorded in a portable and readable format.

Volta XL has a duty to ensure that data is processed securely and to notify the person(s) concerned if the security of their data is not respected.

  1. Request

Volta XL uses a form to allow any interested person to subscribe to its newsletter. The person may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by clicking on the button provided for this purpose at the bottom of the Volta XL newsletters.

Any requests or questions regarding these rights can be sent by post to the Volta XL address or by email to the following address:

The contact may at any time contact Volta XL or the Privacy Authority : Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Bruxelles, Tel. : 02/274 48 00, Fax : 02/274 48 35, Email :

Volta XL may make corrections, additions or amendments to this data protection and privacy statement at any time for various reasons.

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